We're holding a quiz night to raise funds for Tearfund On Saturday September 9th 7pm..
St George's is one of the many churches around New Zealand taking part in Tearfund’s Big Quiz Night, Sept 9th. It will be a night of fun, laughter, and competition all to raise funds for a good cause.
Click on the 'Donate' button to buy $10 tickets.
Our target is to raise $1000 to support Tearfund’s work, which will go toward projects like:
- Helping provide blankets and food for Syrian refugee families over the coming winter.
- Provide crucial psycho-social counselling and education sessions to child trafficking survivors in Cambodia.
- Helping Ethiopian women to be food secure and learn sustainable farming techniques through Self Help Groups.
- Supporting survivors of trafficking in Thailand with rehabilitation and assisting in the prosecution of offenders.
We hope to see you there!
Thank you to my Sponsors

Chris Turney

Hayley Lewis
Looking forward to a fun night!!

Dana Mckenzie

Lynette Wood

Rosie And John Griffiths
John, Rosie and Alison


Tim Mangold

Marie Walker

Chris Grantham


Stan Thorburn

Ainslie Eaton

Lynette Eaton


Sei Brown

Mary Fleming

Ken Leech

Michael Allen

Phillip Ngan

Anthony Fong


Helen Long


Judith Williams

Ron Peacock


Can we teamed up with John and Jaenette McLean please

Jeanette Mcclean

Simon Thornley

Noel Jackson
Pam and I have arranged to be on Chris and Mary Fleming's team.

Janet Frater

Graeme And Jeanette Page

Gray Paterson

Rebecca Somerville

Josh Jones



Jeremy Woods

David Blaker

St Georges

Rebecca Somerville

Dee Jones



Emily Chang
